Do you want to be part of the continuing success story of the Peregrine Falcon?

The London Peregrine Partnership’s objective is to ensure the protection and breeding success of Peregrine Falcons nesting within the London area.

If you've found a grounded or trapped Peregrine Falcon in the London area please call us on 078 0773 8699.

Juvenile Peregrine
Grounded juvenile Peregrine © Jean Berton/

Peregrines have been victims of persecution and illegal trade for many years. As a result they are given full legal protection under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. In London, they are most likely to be threatened by disturbance to their nest sites.

Disturbance at nest sites caused by building works

If you have the need to work on or near a roof where Peregrine Falcons are breeding you will need a licence from Natural England. If you do the work without a licence you may be breaking the law and liable to prosecution.

All roof maintenance, including aerials, masts, water tanks, etc, should be completed outside the breeding season. This also applies to demolition and redevelopment of any buildings where Peregrines are nesting.

How you can help

If you believe Peregrines are nesting on a building or are unsure who to contact, please get in touch. Your information means that the birds can be given the assistance they need to breed successfully.

This assistance ranges from advising building managers about this specially protected bird, to giving fledgling Peregrines help in dealing with the perils they face during their first few days on the wing. As an example, fledglings occasionally land on the ground or in a constricted area where they are at risk of injury or dehydration. In this situation they will need to be rescued and returned to their nesting ledge.

Download The Peregrine Falcon in Inner London by David Johnson, produced for the 2014 London Bird Report

This website is dedicated to Dick Treleaven MBE (1920–2009) — Friend of the Peregrine. Dick kindly allowed his sketch to be used for the London Peregrine Partnership logo.

© Copyright 2025 London Peregrine Partnership. All rights reserved.